The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Baby Potty Seat for New Parents

When new parents embark on the journey of potty training their child, one of the essential tools they will need is a baby potty seat. A potty seat is a…

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Is your baby 3 months old now? Here’s how to set-up a perfect sleep and feeding schedule for your little one?

Setting up a sleep and feeding schedule for your 3 months old baby will make life comfortable and easier for both the mother and the baby. You must have observed…

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How to Get Babies to Like You

Babies are wonderful little creatures, but they can also be a handful. Handling a baby is always more fun if they like being around you. By giving them lots of…

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How to Massage a Baby

Babies need to be touched in order to grow physically and emotionally healthy. Massaging babies boosts their immune systems, helps foster muscle development and reduces their stress. You can start…

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First-Time Parent? Here’s How To Take Care Of The Newborn

Do not pick up a newborn baby without washing your hands; remember the following things. If you are a first-time parent, there are many things you need to know about…

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Pamper Your Child’s Body With New-Age Care To Keep Allergies At Bay

The below precautions can help protect your toddler’s skin from allergies. Worldwide approximately 40% of children are allergic to different types of allergens. While most allergies are minor, some are…

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Tips For New Moms: Pamper Your Tiny Tot With A Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Baby Bath

Caring for your baby, giving the daily massage and bath can be a wonderful way of communicating, which eliminates the need for words. For centuries, man has depended on nature…

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4 Things To Keep In Mind When Buying Liquid Cleanser For Baby’s Feeding Items

Choosing the right liquid cleanser for your baby’s feeding items is an important decision for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. As loving parents, we know that our baby’s health…

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6 Best Methods For Optimising Long-Term Health Outcomes Of Preterm Infants

With these strategies in place, preterm babies have every chance of thriving and reaching their full potential, just like their full-term peers. Preterm infants, those born before 37 weeks of…

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Preparing For Fatherhood? Get Ready With 20 Tips By Dr Somalika Pal

Dr Somalika Pal compiles a set of 20 tips for would-be fathers which will empower you with the means to take up the daunting yet beautiful role of fatherhood with…

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