As the owner of two long-haired Siberians, I love how fluffy my favorite felines become, particularly over winter. However, I don’t love the fact that my house becomes covered in cat hair or the daily struggles to get Alexei and Vladimir to stay still so that I can brush them.
Of course, I wouldn’t trade him for anything, but you can avoid these issues by getting one of the many cats that don’t shed or shed lightly.
By opting for the cat breeds below, you can avoid cat fur that might trigger your allergies or leave your place looking like a mess. While some cats here don’t shed at all, a few do shed lightly, but you can counter this by caring for them and knowing when they shed the most.
23 Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed or Shed Less than Others
1. Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex cat has a head shaped like a triangle. As a result, its eyes and ears are prominent and large. The eyes of the Cornish Rex cat tend to be golden in color, although that can vary.
When the Cornish Rex breed has fur, it tends to be curly and sit close to its skin, which means that this breed sheds less than others. Some Cornish Rex cats have no fur at all.

This cat breed is often compared to greyhound dogs due to their sleek appearance and because they like a long, lolling run. This very adventurous breed loves to explore and will keep its playful demeanor long after its kitten days are finished.

2. Devon Rex
This is another cat breed with a curly short-haired coat that means less shedding.
The mischievous Devon Rex cat, also known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. They make the ideal companions, welcome family and friends’ attention, and are great with kids and other pets.

This cat breed emerged in England during the late 1950s and is similar to the nearby Cornish Rex cat breed. These felines are intelligent, active, and require regular stimulation. Devon Rex cats are jumpers, and their favorite place is at head level, so perches and cat trees should be provided

The moderately active cat enjoys learning and playing fetch, so interactive toys will also help keep him occupied while you’re out earning money.
This indoor cat breed has slender bodies with long legs, large eyes, and high cheekbones. They shouldn’t be brushed as their fur is prone to breakage; instead, gently rub the Devon Rex cat with a cloth to keep them well-groomed weekly.

3. Russian Blue
Russian Blue cats have short, dense coats. They generally only shed for a few weeks once or twice a year.
With emerald-green eyes and a luxurious silvery coat, Russian Blues are a startlingly pretty breed. The Russian Blue is sweet-tempered and fine-featured, with long legs that allow it to run at high speeds.

Those green eyes are large, round, and wide-set. This is another cat breed that constantly looks like it is wide awake! Russian Blue cats are born with yellow eyes, which turn green over time.
This expensive cat breed really enjoys playing and requires a good bit of attention when you get home. Although, they also do enjoy napping in a quiet corner and tend to shy away from large groups.

Often demanding at mealtimes, these happy felines can get quite chunky if you’re not firm. Russian Blue cats are another very smart breed, so it’s important to provide enough mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy.
4. Siamese
The popular Siamese cat breed will shed minimally if you brush your kitty regularly. Siamese cats are one of the most adored and famous cat breeds. They are intelligent, talkative, and lovely-natured felines, making ideal family pets.

These cats have unique short coats, with a light-colored body and silky smooth fur. Their faces, paws, and tails are darker than the rest of their bodies. While they are a great indoor cat breed, they seek companionship from their owners, including sitting on laps and snuggling in bed.
Their sleek short coats also highlight their proportionately large ears.

Siamese cats are often labeled as “dog-like” because they enjoy following their humans around and enjoy playtime, like fetch, so stock up on active cat toys. Although they are loving cats, this breed should not be left alone at home for extended periods.
5. Bengal
This short-haired cat breed sheds less frequently than other cat breeds and requires less grooming maintenance from its owners.
Bengal cats are one of the newer cat breeds, a combination of the Asian leopard cat and a US domestic cat. These affectionate cats are energetic and playful.

The pearl or gold dusting or glitter effect is a distinctive feature of their thick and lustrous coat. This is one of the many features of the lovely Bengal cat that contributes to its extreme cuteness.

The breed is also known for its black-rimmed and almond-shaped eyes and distinctive whisker pads. Add to this their thick tail that often finishes in a black tapered tip, and you have one seriously cute cat. If you need inspiration, here are several fantastic Bengal cat names.
6. Sphynx
A naturally hairless breed, the Sphynx only has a small bit of fur on its nose. This unique cat breed looks like it could have come from another world and definitely would hang out with hipsters. These medium-sized cats have a striking appearance with hairless, wrinkled skin and large ears.

It is also known for the somewhat intense gaze which emits from its large eyes. As another breed with minimal hair, those large eyes stand out even more on the Sphynx cat.
Though Sphynx cats appear to look bald, they may be covered in a small amount of peach fuzz, giving them that velvety texture. However, they need to be groomed regularly as their hairless bodies mean they don’t have the fur to absorb the natural oils their body produces. You can opt for a professional, or do it at home with the help of this guide on how to groom your cat.

What the Sphynx cat breed lacks in fur, they make up for in their personality. These hairless kitties are sociable, energetic, and love to play. The curious kitties are mischievous and are fond of teaser toys and puzzle toys to challenge them
7. Lykoi
The Lykoi cat breed has a patchy coat and is considered to be partially hairless. This interesting feline strongly resembles the popular imagery of a werewolf. With shorter and lighter fur around their mouth, nose, and eyes, an interesting design is made that accentuates their features in a werewolf-like way.
The scraggly salt and pepper fur of the Lykoi cat adds to the idea of a little beastly. Their name was derived from the Greek word for wolves, which strengthens their claim to werewolf status.

However, the Lykoi cat shares only physical resemblances to this famed mythical creature. These cats have lovely temperaments and are generally playful, affectionate, and loyal. So they make wonderful, striking pets.
Another interesting fact about the Lykoi cats is that they sometimes lose all of their fur, resulting in them looking like a Sphynx cat and not shedding at all. However, they grow the fur back. Or at least, most of it!
Though their occasional lack of fur and bald spots on their face appear to be similar to the Sphynx, they do not have the Sphynx/Devon Rex gene. Instead, they are related to the Domestic Shorthair cat.
When originally discovered in 2011, there was concern that the strange coats of the Lykoi cats were the result of a medical condition. But they were found to be completely healthy, and their fur was simply the result of a genetic mutation. It’s a mutation that we’re thankful for because these cats are strange and one of the loveliest weird cat breeds.
8. Burmese
The Burmese breed has a short, fine coat that loses less hair than other cat breeds.
Their coats are short and silky and are low-maintenance, requiring a weekly brush or combing to remove dead hair. And that short silky hair sets off their gorgeous large, round, and gleaming green eyes.
The Burmese are friendly, personable, and kind kitties. With Siamese ancestors, these felines are playful and affectionate but not clingy. Burmese cats are often characterized as a “rock wrapped in silk” due to being much heavier than they appear to be.

Younger Burmese cats are curious and active, and as they get older, they become placid and prefer to watch rather than getting involved in activities. You’ll often see them sleeping on a windowsill or at the corner of a sofa, snagging the sunlight.
Burmese cats are excellent jumpers and climbers and should have cat perches or something to climb up on.

9. Birman
Birmans are quite a furry cat breed. However, their hair doesn’t matt, so they require less grooming and shed far less than other cat breeds.
This adorable breed is characterized by its darker face, which contrasts with a generally white body. The Birman’s bushy tail and paws are also usually dark, as are the insides of their ears. All of this is offset by gorgeous blue eyes.

This gentle and affectionate cat breed was bred to be a companion, so they are happiest spending time with their favorite humans.
They tend to be happiest when indoors and are best suited to this type of lifestyle. Many owners find them so adorable they end up with a second Birman, and this breed loves the company of other kitties as well as humans.
10. Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair breed has short, thick hair that sheds only a small amount. However, they do require some grooming to remove dead hair from their coat. The super cute cat breed is characterized by its mustachioed face and laid-back personality.
This breed has short thick legs, broad bodies, large round paws, and short tails.

They have extremely soft coats and come in a wide range of different colors. They have the same gentle and affectionate personality which is seen in most long-haired cat breeds rather than the boisterous personality of a short-haired cat.

This breed is closely related to the Persian cat breed and is known for its loyalty.
11. Japanese Bobtail
The Japanese bobtail breed has a single coat that doesn’t tend to shed much hair. This breed also loves grooming itself, which minimizes the amount of work required by owners.
This sweet and loving breed, of course, originates from Japan. Apparently, in the 1600s, Japanese street cats were bobtails. The breed is considered to be lucky, and its owners should prosper.

Statues of tri-color Japanese bobtail cats are quite common in Japan (these are supposed to be the luckiest Japanese bobtails of all!). So when you see the familiar statue with the kitty raising its paw up and down, you now know that you are looking at a Japanese bobtail cat.
The breed is named bobtail due to its short and stubby tail. They were also adored by the Japanese Imperial family and still have a regal air to them. This means that your home – and the items within it – are part of their Kingdom.

I loved this quote that I found online about Japanese bobtail cats:
German doctor Engelbert Kämpfer wrote, “There is only one breed of cat that is kept. It has large patches of yellow, black, and white fur; its short tail looks like it has been bent and broken. It has no mind to hunt for rats and mice but wants to be carried and stroked by women.” Now that sounds like one cool kitty!
12. Peterbald
Although some Peterbald cats have short-haired coats, most have no hair, which means very little shedding. The Peterbald cat is a strange little fellow. This Russian cat breed has a unique look with hairless, grey-silver skin, a slanted face, and large pointy ears.
Created from experimental breeding, this cat first popped its head out in 1994 at St. Petersburg. This is why it’s named Peterbald (I’m sure you can guess where the bald part comes from). And one of the main reasons is that this is quite a rare cat breed.

Originally a cross between a hairless Donskoy and an Oriental Shorthair, these cats quickly grew in popularity in their home country.
Since Peterbald cats don’t have any fur to keep them warm, they need to be kept indoors during the cooler seasons, as they might otherwise get too chilly. They require a little bit more cat care than other breeds because they need to be bathed weekly in order to keep their coats from getting oily and attracting dirt.

These cats have wonderfully affectionate personalities and are often found shadowing their loved ones. Peterbald cats love attention and are very active cats in general, as well as being very loyal and loving. Their personalities are regularly likened to that of canines.
So if you haven’t decided whether you’re more of a cat or a dog person, the Peterbald is a great choice of cat companion, and it is unlikely that you’ll find many other examples of this cool cat breed in your neighborhood!
13. Bombay
This sleek black kitty has a short-haired coat that only sheds minimally. Like their ancestors, the Burmese, Bombay cats have almost no undercoat and require weekly brushing.
Bombay cats look like mini black panthers and have black coats and piercing yellow eyes with medium-sized, muscular frames, rounded heads, and flat faces.
Bombay cats are flat-faced felines that love affection. They enjoy meeting and greeting you at the door and can get along well with other pets and children. These kitties are big softies with personalities as soft as their coats.

You’ll often find them nestled at the top of their cat tree, having the ideal viewpoint of their world below.
These are playful kitties with natural curiosity and athleticism, so you should be able to keep them occupied with toys like cat balls.

14. Ocicat
Ocicats have short, smooth coats which don’t tend to shed, particularly when regularly groomed. This playful cat breed loves attention. The Ocicat resembles a wild cat but is very playful and loving.
They are a medium to large cat breed with a smooth coat. Their markings are distributed across their bodies – and each hair on their coat contains more than one color.

The Ocicat breed was created by crossing Siamese and Abyssinian cats together and then later breeding with an American domestic short hair. This is what has given them their large ears. The breed was registered in 1966.
Ocicats love to play and will see most items in your home as potential toys. They are also friendly cats who like to welcome strangers. They don’t like being alone and do get bored easily, so a sibling is often a good idea.

They are highly energetic and highly intelligent, so they need lots of stimuli. They don’t have any special exercise needs, and unlike many other cat breeds, they like water, so watch out if you’re having a bath.
15. Singapura
This small cat breed usually only weighs about six pounds and has a short coat that doesn’t shed often.
Singapura cats have captivating little spirits, ready to steal your heart away. These lovely felines are a playful, cheeky, and friendly cat breed. You’ll often find them under a duvet cover or lying in the sunshine.

The Singapura is one of the smallest cat breeds, which means its almond-shaped eyes and larger ears really pop. Singapura cats tend to look like they constantly have their eyes open as wide as possible.
With a similar temperament to the Burmese cat, they are full of mischief, affectionate, and extremely inquisitive. Singapura cats enjoy chasing balls down the hall or tap dancing on keyboards.
These fun-loving cats love people and get along easily with other pets in the house – making them ideal for the indoors.

16. Abyssinian
The Abyssinian breed has short, thick fur, which doesn’t shed anywhere near as much as other breeds.
Your Abyssinian cat may well become your best friend. These high-energy cats are always on and ready for fun. What they love most is being close to their owner, so they will tend to be in whichever room you are in.

This breed has a relatively small face, meaning its large almond-shaped eyes and ears stand out even more.
This friendly cat breed is also known for its intelligence and its love of a good climb, so be sure to give it a garden or a cat tower for playing. But most of all, the Abyssinian loves its human family.

This sociable cat likes company, so if you have a busy lifestyle, getting another cat or pet might be a good idea to keep it company when you’re not there.
17. Minskin
Minskin cats have quite stocky bodies and rather short legs. Their coat is unique due to its lack of fur, so it does not shed. The Minskin cat breed was created from the Sphynx cat breed. This is a relatively new breed of cat. It was first developed in 1998 in Boston.

The breeder crossed his Munchkin cat with a Sphynx for a healthier immune system. By 2005, 50 cats were called Minskins, and this new breed was recognized.
18. Donskoy
Donskoy cats are lovely, friendly cats that are medium-sized and look similar to Sphynxs. A Russian professor discovered them in the late 1980s, who thought that the cats lost their hair due to health problems.
However, this was not the case, as it was due to a genetic mutation. Donskoy cats are similar to Sphynxs, in that they are almost completely hairless. They just need to be wiped with a soft cloth daily and given a bath every two months, using a gentle cat shampoo.
19. Havana Brown
The Havana Brown is another charming cat breed that doesn’t shed much. These cats come from a blend of Siamese, Russian Blues, and black Domestic Shorthairs. So, it’s no wonder that they are a sociable breed much like Siamese cats.

However, you should be aware that Havana Browns should be kept as an indoor cat breed, to prevent them from getting attacked or ill. In terms of keeping them clean, a weekly brushing should be enough to keep shedding down.
20. Javanese
Javanese cats are strikingly stunning, with their wiry whiskers, pluming tails, and marble-like eyes. A mixture of Siamese, Balinese, and Colorpoints genes – these are cats without an undercoat – meaning they won’t shed much and only need weekly brushing.

They have delightful personalities and will meow back at you, as if in conversation. What’s more, Javanese cats will love to spend time with you, making them a fantastic cat that doesn’t shed a lot.
21. Tonkinese
Tonkinese cats are absolutely gorgeous, from their bright blue or green eyes to their stunning coats. What’s more, these are one of the least-shedding cats and they are one of the best family cat breeds – as they’re full of personality.

They were first discovered in Thailand, through the natural mating of Siamese and Burmese cats. Affectionately known as Tonks, these cats are easy to look after, as they groom themselves. In terms of caring for a Tonk, a weekly brushing should be good and stimulate them mentally and physically.
22. Korat
The Korat is a beloved lap cat breed that has beautiful green eyes, silver-tipped fur, and charming ears. The Korat cat is perfect for multi-pet homes and families, as long as socialization is encouraged.

Additionally, they love to be affectionate and cuddly – as they are highly sociable cats. Originally from Thailand, they are seen as lucky and easy to love. You’ll love them even more, as they are cats that do not shed a lot.
23. Oriental Shorthair
Oriental Shorthair is a stunning big ear cat with no undercoat. This means that these cats do shed a little, albeit not much. To help them with cleaning, a grooming glove should do the trick – plus they’ll love the free massage.

These personable pussycats love being around the owners, and will surely let you know it. They are also bundles of energy, so just be aware that they will require a lot of attention.
FAQs About Cats That Don’t Shed
You may be wondering which cats don’t shed or which cats shed the least. You’re not alone, so here are some of the most commonly asked questions about cat breeds that shed the least.
For the most part, there are hardly any non-shedding cats, with the exception of “hairless” cat breeds. These include the Peterbald, the Sphynx, the Levkoy, and the Bambino.
All cats shed, however, hypoallergenic cats produce a minute amount of the Fel D1 protein, which causes allergies. That said, sphinxes, Cornish rexes, LaPerms, Peterbalds, and Donskoys are the hypoallergenic cat breeds that shed the least.
The best way to get your cat to stop shedding as much is by grooming your cat regularly. This can be done by using a cat brush to help get rid of loose fur and distribute their natural oils. Additionally, it helps to offer high-quality cat food, sufficient water, and reduce their stress levels.
Our fur babies bring so much joy into our lives, so being unable to get a cat because of your allergies can dismay you. As I’ve shown, you don’t have to be sad, as there are loads of non-shedding cat breeds out there for you to get.
I’ve done the research for you, all you need to do is get your own kitty. That said, getting a cat might be challenging, so check out my looking after a kitten guide to make sure you’re prepared.
Interested in getting a dog, and stressing about allergies? You might want to check out my guide on big dogs that don’t shed.
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