Are you someone whose heart instantly melts in the divine presence of a feline creature? If you said “yes,” well, like the internet fondly nicknames, you are a cat person, and this one is just for you. Here is a list of the most adorable cat breeds carefully curated to match your never-ending love for felines.
1. Turkish Angora Cat

2. Persian Cat

3. LaPerm

4. Abyssinian Cat

5. American Curl

6. Egyptian Mau

7. American Bobtails

8. Bengal Cat

9. Birman

10. British Shorthair

11. Cornish Rex

12. Cymric

13. Devon Rex

14. Chantilly-Tiffany

15. Maine Coon

16. Kurilian Bobtail

17. Korat

18. Siberian Cat

19. Chartreux

20. Manx

21. Burmilla

22. Ragdoll

23. Norwegain Forest Cat

24. Minuet

25. Balinese Cats

26. Exotic

27. Havana Brown

28. Raggamuffin

29. Russian Blue

30. Scottish Fold

31. Munchkin

32. Lykoi

33. Siamese Cats

34. Singapura

35. Khao Manee