Signs Your Baby Has Gas and How To Treat It

Babies are precious little beings that bring immense joy to any household. However, they can also be a source of anxiety for new parents who are learning to navigate their baby’s needs. One common issue that parents face with their infants is gas. It is a natural occurrence but can cause discomfort and distress to your little one. As a parent, it’s essential to recognize the signs of baby gas and understand how to treat it.

In this article, we will discuss the various signs that indicate your baby has gas and provide you with effective remedies to help alleviate their discomfort.

Why is the baby so gassy?

There can be several reasons behind an infant gas problem. A gas problem can be caused by the baby’s immature digestive system. The intestinal muscles are still developing and learning to work together. It can cause the baby to have trouble breaking down and digesting food.

Another reason can be the way a baby eats. Drinking too fast or swallowing a lot of air while feeding can cause your baby gas. Breastfed babies may also swallow air if they have not latched on correctly.

Signs of a gassy baby

There are several indications that parents can look for to see if their baby has gas. Below are the common signs:

  • The baby is fussy or cries more than usual.
  • The baby has a hard time sleeping.
  • The baby’s tummy is hard or bloated.
  • The baby passes gas more than usual.
  • The baby has green stools.
  • They pulled their legs up to their chests.

When a parent sees these signs in their baby, it is a good idea to talk to the doctor. The doctor can help determine if the gas is problematic and treat the condition.

How to relieve gas in newborns and babies?

Relieving newborn gas can be a challenge for parents. However, there are some things they can do to help their baby feel better. Below are some tips:

1. Burp your baby often

Burping your baby helps rids the stomach of the air they may swallow while feeding. It is best to burp the baby after every feeding.

2. Use a pacifier

Sucking on a pacifier can help the baby release the air trapped in their stomach. Baby gas can also be relieved by having the baby suck on its thumb.

3. Place the baby in an upright position

Keep the baby in the upright position after feeding. This position will help the baby to release the gas.

4. Massage baby’s tummy

Gently massaging the baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction can help to relieve gas. It will also help the baby to pass stool more easily.

5. Change the diet

While breastfeeding, certain foods mothers eat can cause gas in their babies. It is best to avoid eating foods that are known to cause gas, such as cabbage, broccoli, and beans.

6. Try tummy roll-on

Parents can also use a tummy roll-on with effective ingredients such as hing, saunf and pudina to help ease gas pain in their baby, relieve indigestion and prevent acid reflux.

Gas prevention methods for babies

Newborn gas prevention is the best way to deal with this problem. Below are some things that mothers can do to prevent their babies from having gas:

1. Breastfeeding often

Breastfeeding often will help the baby’s digestive system to work better.

2. Burp the baby often

As mentioned before, burping will help rid the stomach of the air the baby swallows while feeding. The baby needs to be burped after every meal.

3. Adjust the angle

When feeding the baby, hold them at an angle that will prevent them from swallowing air.

4. Avoid tight clothes

Tight clothes can put pressure on the baby’s stomach, and this can make the problem worse.

Other reasons for baby gas

There can be other reasons for gas problem in newborn babies. The most common problem is intolerance to certain foods or an infection. The doctor can help find out if the gas is a problem and give tips on how to treat it. If the above suggestions do not work, it is best to visit a pediatrician.

When to visit the pediatrician?

It is always a good idea to talk to the doctor about concerns about the baby’s health. Gas in newborns can happen due to many reasons, including problems with the digestive system or the fact that they are gulping in the air while feeding. Therefore, parents should not worry if their baby has gas. However, if the baby is crying excessively and seems to be in pain, it is always best to consult the doctor.

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